You’re not alone, We’re here to help.

Experiencing a cyberattack can feel overwhelming, isolating, and even devastating.

We understand the emotional toll cyberattacks take, on top of the practical and technical challenges they bring. That’s why we’re creating this helpline.

Currently under attack?

Immediate steps to take

Please stay calm and take a deep breath. Your reaction matters, and we’re here to support you through this process.

Disconnect affected devices

If possible, safely disconnect the affected devices from the internet or other networks to limit any further damage.

Do NOT pay anything

Paying criminals doesn’t necessarily guarantee you’ll get your data back or they will stop attacking you.

Report the incident

Contact your local authorities and report the attack. This is a crime, and reporting it really does matter.

Use Our Victim Portal

We will do our best to provide you with the necessary guidance and information on how to get started.

Immediate Guidance

Emotional Support

Technical Remediation

Long-Term Resilience

Networked Online Helpline for All Victims of Cybercrime


At NO-HAVOC, we stand beside victims, providing clear, human-focused guidance to help them navigate the chaotic situations.

Malware Example

WhiteSnake Stealer

WhiteSnake Stealer, discovered in February 2022, is a sophisticated .NET data-stealing malware that targets browsers, applications, and crypto wallets.

WhiteSnake Stealer can gather system information, execute remote commands, spread through USB drives, and perform tasks like keylogging, file management, and webcam access.